Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Lord is at work and the Devil is angry

Hello everybody! Long time no see haha just kidding bad joke!. Well I love being in Decatur. There is so much work going on and its is a really awesome ward to be working with. This transfer is starting to zoom by. In just to more weeks it will be time for the transfer calls again. I really hope i get to stay here again.
Elder Andersen and I were having a little bit of a rough patch this week. I was taking alot of stuff to personal and so it was making the days last a long time and there was contention on my part and I hated it. The worst of it though is that i knew that I was doing but I couldn't stop from feeling like all he was doing was picking on me instead of trying to make me a better person. So one night a knelt down to pray and talk to the Lord about my problem and I asked him to help me know how to bring it up to talk about it or to help me change the way i was acting. The very next day we were having another one of our discussions or debates and we were able to talk about how i was feeling and how we could work it out! So now i feel alot better than I was all last week. Its so comforting to know that the Lord is always there to help us out whenever we need it. I know without any doubt that our Father in heaven loves all of us. It always hurts me when people think that God hates them because I know that he doesn't. He may not be happy with the way that you are living your life but that doesn't mean he hates you. It also means that in order to feel his love for you you just might have to change some things that you are doing in your life or you might have to show that you do believe he is there by VOCALLY saying a prayer and asking him for help, Just as Joseph Smith did 190 years ago. He knelt down and offered up a VOCAL prayer knowing that there was a God that would hear his cry for help. Joseph Smith didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't know how his prayer was going to be answered but he knew that it would be answered. With his one step of faith, We now have the best thing in the existence of mankind on the Earth again. There is nothing better than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There is nothing in this life, Nobody in this life, and no reason in this life that is worth giving up what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has to offer. I know that this church is the true church of our Savior Jesus Christ that he set up in the New Testament. I know that after we die we are going to live again with a resurrected body that is going to be perfect. I know that my family can be together for ever and that is the best part of the gospel. I love you guys so much that i wouldn't want you guys to not be in heaven with me. I know all these things to be true. This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
As missionaries we leave people with a lot of commitments with people so.... my commitment to all of you who read this E-mail is to read again from the book of mormon. You don't have to read the whole thing because it works just like a pie. You don't have to eat the whole pie to know that it is good or not. So go through and read your favorite story again. Ponder it in your ind for a little bit then kneel down and VOCALLY pray and ask your Father in heaven who loves you and wont lie to you if the Book of Mormon is true. I know that you will get your answer.

Now as far as Missionary work goes, we are having a great week. Amy and Ashleigh Davis both accepted Baptismal dates for the 13 of February and to be confirmed members of the church the next day on Valentines day! we also gave Mr. Burney a tour of the church and he said he would read and pray about it and that we believe alot of the same stuff that he does. which is of course a good sign. so we are making head way with him finally. Mrs hubbard also read the parts of the book of mormon that we gave them to read. I really think she would get baptized but she wants to do it as a family which is good but not for her. her husband is really lazy and doesn't really car all that much. She is a great lady. i feel so bad for her
Mom i remembered to bring those names down! yay here they are. Okay so Lamell Farr is a twin to Lamarr Farr. Lamell Farr married Henry Ashcroft. Those are her relatives. let me know how we are related just ask me if you have anymore questions k! love you.
Well thats all this time family! I love you all this much
Love Elder Hawss

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