Things are going good! We got some roommates that are living with us for a while waiting for their Visa's to go to Angola Africa. They are both from Salt Lake and are really excited to be here in Alabama and to be on Missions. I remember being so new to the missionary life and just thinking that everyone in the whole world wanted to hear and was going to except the message of the Restored gospel. I wish that i was still that way. It has helped having them living with us. It makes me more positive.
We had some things happen this past week that weren't so good. Luis was found drinking on saturday night and he didn't come to church on Sunday because he said he had to work. So that was a bummer. We are going to be seeing him tonight so hopefully we can help encourage him to try again and to do better.
We also weren't able to see Araceli and her kids at church because she had to work and so non of them were able to come. I hope that one day they will all be able to come as a family. The children really want to and Araceli really likes the church. Hopefully next week.
We did have an investigator at church though. Her name is Saira. She is from the Dominican Republic. Her brother is a member and she just came randomly. We have been working with her for a few weeks but she wasn't really reading or anything so we stopped going over there just to see what would happen and sure enough she came to church. We were pretty excited. So now we will she why she came and what here plans are.
We found some really neat peopel this week that I am excited to start teaching. i hope that they will understand and that they will do their part to know that it is true.
So far this transfer which is half way over we have ridden our bikes 270 miles! It is awesome. We ride everywhere. Everyone sees us and we get honked at probably 5-10 times a day from people that are nice. I love it. Ridding bikes is so much fun.
Elder Davis ( one of the elders waiting for his Visa) and I were riding our bikes to a trailer park that is about 8 miles away and when we were about 7 miles out. So almost there he got a flat tire! flat flat flat. So we ended up walking the las mile and we were able to see some people but we had no idea how we were going to get home. We tried calling members and no one was answering. Finally we got ahold of a member and he gave a ride home. I found out from that experience that I hate walking. I would rather ride m bike over walking any day.
While we were out there though we met a man that was from Arizona. He had on a Diamond backs hat and he actually came to us and wanted to know how he could cme to church and who he needed to talk to to find out more. It was really neat! I love moments like that when you conect with a person and they want to learn the Gosple. If the tire wouldn't have ever popped we never would have met him.
That is about it for this week! I am glad that everyone is doing well. I hope you keep doing all you are doing and that you show everyone that you love them. Don't assume that they know tell them.
I love ya'll. So stinking much.
Love Elder Haws

Elder Haws ate this Burger in under 12 minutes, including the fries!!