Last family pictures for awhile!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pictures of Preston's Farewell
August 29, 2009
Well first off I'm going to let Elder Hoffman say Hi ok?
"Yo...what is up? Yo son rocks my socks! He's my inspirational. He has a fabooleus voice! I love him like a brutha! I assume you are marvelous because he turned out so well! Goodbye!"
Sorry about that. He is crazy. Well I started this saturday. It's now sunday. We had a really good fireside tonight. it was on blessing and we got to listen to Elder Allen who made all the short commercials for the church! They were so so funny. I would suggest finding them some how cuz they are short power statements that reallyl are important. It was cool. He explained the background on each of them and why they were made. It showed the purpose of them.
Then we watched the Joseph Smith video! Holy cow. Talk about sweet. You think watching that at the temple was good...try watching it with a huge gym full of missionary's that are going to be teaching, preaching, and testifying of the truthfulness of the gospel and of what Joseph Smith died for. We are sharing the message of Jesus Christ and his redeeming love and atonement for us. It's awesome!! I can't wait!
Anyway so the MTC is so wonderful. Our district has done a 180 degree turn around. We were having a hard time focusing and having personal/companion study but we buckled down and got to work and we work hard and do work! It's great. And because of that my companionship is doing alot better as well. Me and Elder Harrison really are getting along and having tons of fun and laughs together. It's great. It's to bad I don't get to be his companion in the field.
Dad, the food is varied. Usually we have 3 different items to choose from then a salad/ wrap/ breakfast bar so it is awesome. I've already put on weight. I'm enjoying free food while I can. It's around 15 lbs. An entire belt hole! but don't go telling everyone that cuz I'm going to work it off promise. Ha ha.
Yes, mom, it will be my e-mail address for my entire mission. Oh and I got my travel times. I leave next wed the 2nd at 4 in the morning and my flight leaves at 7ish so I'll be calling home about 5 ish to 6 ish if that's ok. Then I can call again in Georgia but that will be in the afternoon so I'd like to be able to talk to Dallin in the morning. I'll send more details when I can. Love ya'll....
Love, Preston
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 26, 2009
Hey Everyone!Well week number 2 is down just one more to go! it has been so much fun. i love it here but still can't wait to get to alabama. its wednesday which means p-day!Yesterday we had our devotional and our speaker was Elder Scott from the quorum of the 12. it was so good. he was talking on having the spirit of the lord with you and he needed some people to stand up at the microphones that were placed in the middle of the room to answer some questions and read things and stuff so i stood up and there were about 10 other missonaries between the 2 mics and i got to answer one of his questions and it was really cool but what was even cooler was he eventually put down his notes and said you guys are doing wonderful tonight and skipped his lesson and told personal stories of how the spitit has protected him in his life. when we were talking about it in our district review brother Howard who is a counselor on the branch presidency said that he has never before heard answers like tonight. he said usually the apostle has to twist what the missonaries say to get the truth of the question across but tonight Elder Scott never had to. He said you guys as missonaries had the spirit about you and are going to make wonderful missionaries. IT WAS SO COOL.i'm almost out of time but then i was talking in the leadership meeting and my branch president is a son in law to Neil a Maxwell. it was just an awesom evening and Elder Scott put blessings on us and it was just amazin to hear him speak.I love you all i hope your doing well you are all in my Preayers and i love you very much. Good luck in Egypt! can't wait to hear about it. next time you get an e-mail from me i'll be in alabama!!! Love you all so much i'm doing great food is wonderful saw Jordon udall he left tuesday and others from rv. k really have to go now! bye
elder haws
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday Letter
Last night we got to hear Elder Spence V Jones at a devotional. He was a great speaker. He talked on teaching by the spirit, had lots of great insights. Did you know that when Ammon taught King Limoni he used our same format that we use now. The questions he asked the king are Our same questions in Preach My Gospel. Even down to the recommended order of asking!!
It was crazy! It proved to me even more that God's church is the same as it ever was....and won't ever change. It's always the same. He won't ever change it. It was good. There was lots of other cool things but that one was my fav.
My District is awesome. We have bonded really well. We get along and we have fun together. It's fun when we are just chillin in the dorms from 9:30ish to ten. 4 of them are from Utah, 1 from Idaho (Shelly), 1 from California, and 1 from Washington. We are a wide spread of personalities but it's great cuz we have our own insights on things. So we learn and teach each other alot.
How do you like the Pontiac, MOM? Dad, when are you going to get another truck? Can you send me a picture of the Reece family? And tell me their address or give them mine? I'd like to write them if possible and I should be able to e-mail today hopefully. We'll talk to you in December! Write before that please! Love you all.....Preston
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Pictures of Goodbye's and Drop off
Family Email Wednesday August 19
Jeremiah 4: 19-20, 31
I'm excited for today. I get to talk with the branch president again and hopefully learn more for sure.
My companion Elder Harrison is a great missionary. I can learn alot from him if I pay attention. I'm glad we're companions. My District 37D is such a good district. We bonded really fast and are great freinds. We focus hard in classes and we get the work done. There is very little complaining. I love it. Gym time is fun also. I have learned how to play 4 square and it's a way fun game. You guys should look up the rules and get Dallin to play it with friends sometime.
I get to go to the Oquirah Mt. temple dedication! I got interviewed and got my reccommend today. I'm pretty excitetd! I know I went to the Snowflake dedication but I don't really remember what happened and things like that so it will be great to be able todo it again as a missionary. I'm WAY excited. This is such a fun place. I'm glad they give us the time here to learn.
Our district walked up and around the Provo temple sunday. It was pretty up there. I can't wait to go through this temple. We met a family from Elder Udall's mission. It was cool. One guy was baptised and had a wife and kid and he's visiting his dad and mom. His dad wasn't wearing garments and I think he was baptised and waiting to go to the temple. But he said to our district and another district "Take a picture with me, it would be a great honor for me." So we did . It was a great feeling. I was angry I didn't have my camera with me. but it's ok.
How was the valley? How is the family? For familynight or just any ole time you guys should read Jeremiah 4:19-20; 31. When you do think of me eating the MTC food and what you read is how I feel after eating it. You may not understand but it's ok if you don't. No worries.
Well off to breakfast! Love you guys! Elder Haws
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
First letter from Preston!
My comanion is Elder Harrison. He is from provo and is very funny. He's a cool guy. He plays baseball. He's even a catcher. Pretty cool huh? My other roommate is Elder Kidman. He dated Paige Finch. small world. He's good too. Fun and cool. Elder Larson is a little different....but a great great missionary. He is engaged and has a lock of hair from her. But strong guy.
Went to lots of meetings today. met my branch president and the MTC president. Learned about the MTC and it was good. I was made the Big DL (district leader). crazy isn't it? But pretty cool. I'm excited for it and hope I do a good job at it. It means I'm in charge of 8 Elders and they come to me when theyneed help. It's weird cuz I have no idea what's going on but we've managed.
There are 8 of us going to the Birmingham Alabama Mission and 4 of us are staying in the same room. They are fun guys. The food is of course great! I don't know if it's cuz it really IS good or cuz it's all you can eat every meal! But either way I can't complain right?
My words of wisdom are for everyone to LIVE THE STANDARDS. They are worth it. Don't change them for anything. I didn't bear my testimony on my last fast sunday at home but I have a testimony of this church and the gospel. Jesus Christ IS AMAZING and HE loves us and always will. Don't ever forget that. I will also. Love, Elder Haws"